
big scan of promo
1993 German promo MD

MD promo exchange offer

Above you see the demo sampler Sony used to introduce the MD format to Europe. They did this on the Consumer Electronics Show 1993 (=Internationale Funkausstellung) in Berlin, which is only held every second year. Fortunately I kept more than one, because back then I thought I could record on them :)

The German writing says "The new digital freedom from Sony". Apart from the music tracks there's also a German language "sorry-you-didn't-win-a-MD-walkman"-message.

So far I've got three more demo samplers from other shows. [Berlin '95, Popkomm '94 and one US '93 demo sent to me by a md-list member. (Hi Gregg!)]

I'd like to exchange the few I've got left against other old promos*, especially Japanese. So if you're a collector and would like to have one, mail me with your offer.

*I'd also consider other interesting MD stuff. I'm for example looking for the "TV/Televison: Electric Music" MD.

All trademarks belong to their owners.
Feb. 3rd '97 Minilogo Contact: email-adresse als grafik